Maria Kempinska MBE

Maria Kempinska MBE is an award winning business woman, a mother of two and works tirelessly around the UK for various charities. Maria is also a psychotherapist, counsellor, couples therapist and mediator. Maria has a passion for music of all genres and is a music/producer. |


The person

- In 2009 Maria was awarded the MBE for services to the entertainment and hospitality industry.
- Maria has produced 12 episodes of Jongleurs Live for Loaded TV. She has also been one of presenters and judges on The Pitch, a one hour weekly factual entertainment series for Loaded TV.
- Maria is a regular guest on TV and radio, talking about business and comedy on programmes such as Woman’s Hour, Trisha and top rated shows.
- Maria has been recognised as a leading entrepreneur.
- As founder of the successful Jongleurs Comedy Clubs, Maria has played a defining role in helping to make the UK stand up scene the roaring success that is today.

Video interviews
To book Maria Kempinska or to discuss any booking, please E-mail Miles Crawford! or call 020 8255 2033